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Fujifilm Prescale Related Published Patent Summaries

Fujifilm Prescale Product Page >> Published Patent Summaries >> WO2001005337A1

Patent Publication Number: WO 2001005337 A1

Title: Polyethylene hip joint prosthesis with extended range of motion

Filing Date: July 16, 1999

Priority Date: February 13, 1996

Inventor(s): Charles Bragdon, William H Harris, MuraliJasty, Edward W Merrill, OrhunMuratoglu, Daniel O'connor, PremnathVenugopalan et al

Original Assignee / Applicant(s): Charles Bragdon et al

Link to Patent: WO2001005337A1


Fujifilm Prescale® was used to quantify the contact stress between the cobalt-chrome femoral heads and control and WIAM-treated ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene liners. Medium pressure film was used with a stress range of 10-50 MPa (1422-7110 psi).