Pressure Recording Paper – Uses, Benefits, and Alternatives

Pressure Recording Paper is a common description for the product known as Fujifilm Prescale®. Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper measures and characterizes pressure exerted between items in contact with one another. Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper is available in four, low pressure grades and three, medium to high pressure grades. The low pressure versions use two-ply sheets, the donor and the receiver. The medium to high pressure versions use single-ply sheets.

Figure 1 shows a cross section of Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper. Figure 2 shows color response as a result of pressure.

Cross Section

Fig 1: Cross Section of Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper

Versus Chart

Fig 2: Color Response versus Applied Pressure

Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper was studied at Space Dynamics Laboratory, LLC, by Kinya Ogawa, a visiting professor from Ritsumeikan University. His paper was titled, “Visualization of Impact Force by Using Pressure Sensitive Paper”. It was published in J Soc Mat Sci, Japan, Vol 47, No 1, pp 20-25, Jan 1998. The paper showed the microstructure of Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper in the SEM micrograph of Figure 3. It also illustrated, in Figure 4, the colorized analysis of pressure, which can be obtained by scanning the raw image using an electronic densitometer.


Fig 3: Microstructure of Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Recording Paper

Colorized Analysis

Fig 4: Colorized Analysis of Pressure Using an Electronic Densitometer

The Sensor Products Web Site has several Glossary items that are related to Pressure Recording Paper. They are as follows: Fuji Paper, Fuji Pressure Film, Prescale®, Prescale® Fuji Film, Pressure Film, Pressure Indicating Film, Pressure Measurement Film, Pressure Paper, and Pressure Tape.
