Understanding Pressure Measuring Paper: Your Essential Guide

Pressure Measuring Paper is a general term that refers to a range of products distributed by Sensor Products. Specifically, this includes Fujifilm Prescale® and Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Papers. There are seven grades of Fujifilm Prescale® Pressure Measuring Paper ranging from 7.2 to 43,200 psi (0.5 to 3,000 kg/cm2). Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper is specifically used for low pressure applications below 20 psi (1.5 kg/cm2).

An excellent example of the use of Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper, for low pressure applications, was presented in a paper entitled “Venus Flytrap Biomechanics: Forces in the Dionaea Muscipula Trap,” Alexander G Volkov, Shawn L Harris II, Chrystelle L Vilfranc, Veronica A Murphy, Joseph D Wooten, Henoc Paulicin, and Maia I Volkova, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL and Vladislav S Markin, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, Journal of Plant Physiology 170 (2013) 25-32.

The researchers used Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper to measure the distribution and magnitude of pressure within the Venus flytrap chamber. The Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper, which was placed between Mylar film sheets and outer layers of gelatin, was inserted between the lobes of the flytrap. This stimulation triggered the flytrap, and it closed, applying pressure to the sandwich of gelatin, Mylar, and Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper. Then, the gelatin was digested by the flytrap.

The flytrap opened following digestion of the gelatin, and the Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper was removed for analysis of the applied pressure. Figure 1 shows the Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper being inserted into the flytrap. Figure 2 shows the Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper following digestion of the gelatin.

Venus Flytrap

Fig 1: Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper Being Inserted into the Venus Flytrap


Fig 2: Pressurex-Micro® Pressure Measuring Paper Following Digestion of the Gelatin

Previously obtained calibration trials, as shown in Figure 3, were used to determine the pressure within the flytrap. Note that the image on the Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper is in grayscale. It was determined that the maximum pressure during gelatin digestion was between 5 and 10 kPa.

Calibration Trials

Fig 3: Calibration Trials for Pressurex-micro® Pressure Measuring Paper

Additional information on Pressure Measuring Paper can be found in product links to Pressurex-micro® and Fujifilm Prescale®. information can be found in the Glossary under the following topics: Fuji Paper, Fuji Pressure Film, Prescale®, Prescale® Fuji Film, Pressure Film, Pressure Indicating Film, Pressure Measurement Film, Pressure Paper, and Pressure Tape.
