Better Sleep with Englander’s Synergy Pressure Map


Here, lie down on this mattress and let’s see how your profile looks.” That invitation from Englander Vice President Dave Clark presented me with what could be a big problem: How would my body look when analyzed by the pressure mapping system on one of Englander’s new Synergy beds?

In other words, I was worried that I might be the butt of some friendly jokes in the Englander space, if you catch my drift. But, I am proud to admit, the pressure map of my body revealed that I am in excellent shape, exercise regularly, shun fast food and floss daily.

OK, I made that up. Seriously, the pressure map of my supine body was drawn in blues and greens, indicating this Synergy bed, cushioned with visco-elastic foam and Englander’s “Laytex” foam, offered me superior pressure point reduction. It was a powerful demonstration of the benefits of the new Synergy line.

Englander brought two of the pressure mapping systems, made by Sensor Products of New Jersey, to the April High Point market. Retailers were impressed with the way the system quickly mapped pressure points and displayed them on a big plasma screen at the head of the beds, Clark said.

Pressure mapping is not new in the mattress business. But the technology continues to offer compelling demonstrations of how various types of sleep systems perform in real-world settings. And it does so in an easy-to-understand format.

A number of Englander licensees will be purchasing pressure mapping systems to use for product testing and for demonstrations at various bedding shows, Clark said.

He said he was “stunned” by the performance of the Synergy line, as evaluated by the pressure mapping system. A report prepared by Sensor Products revealed that Synergy beds “tested the best in terms of pressure point reduction,” beating out latex and innerspring beds, including an encased coil version. The Synergy bed dramatically outperformed the other types of sleep systems tested, the report said.

That tells Clark he’s got a winning product in his bedding portfolio at Englander. The Synergy beds retail from about $899 to about $2,299.

And they make a guy like me look good, at least on my pressure map.
