Grip Pressure Sensor Glove Solution

Never before has it been so easy, economical and accurate to measure grip pressure digitally.

Sensor Glove and Individual Sensor Points

Tactilus® Technology

Tactilus® is a unique ultra-sensitive resistive ink sensor system that provides an unprecedented combination of accuracy, repeatability and reliability in the surface sensing world. Essentially an “electronic skin” that records and interprets pressure distribution and magnitude between any two contacting or mating surfaces and assimilates that data collected into a powerful, yet user-friendly, Windows® based tool kit. Each Tactilus® sensor is carefully assembled to exacting tolerances and individually calibrated and serialized. Tactilus® employs sophisticated mathematical algorithms that intelligently separate signal from noise. Our proprietary sensor design ensures the most robust sensor in the industry – an investment that will sustain thousands of uses.


Sensor Specifications
Pressure Range0 – 100 psi (0 – 7 kg/cm2)
Sensing Points24 Points Per Glove
Scan SpeedUp to 1,000 Hz
Glove SizesS, M, L, XL
Sensor Size0.313″ x 0.313″ (7.95 mm x 7.95 mm)
Sensor Thickness40 mils (1 mm)
Accuracy± 10%
Repeatability± 4%
Non-linearity± 0.2%

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