Foot Insole Sensor Systems for Accurate Pressure Mapping

Shoe insole sensors in use

Why use Tactilus® Technology

Tactilus® foot insole sensors are the smallest and lightest insole sensors on the market. From its tiny transmitter the battery operated unit allows the user to travel up to 30 feet from the recording laptop.

Tactilus® foot insole draws on decades of plantar foot pressure analysis and sensor design providing the customer with an extremely durable yet highly sensitive sensor device. The statistical and mathematical data is interpreted into 2D and 3D pseudcolored representations.

Our sophisticated algorithms provide powerful smoothing and filtering capabilities and our thresholding features allow the user to hone in on particular regions of interest and high or low pressure zones.


High Performance V-Series Sensor

Software view of High Performance V-Series Sensor

Sensor Specifications
Type of SensorHigh Performance V-Series Sensor
Pressure Range0 – 30 PSI (0 – 2.1 kg/cm2)
Number of sensing points16 x 8 (128 sensing points) per foot
Overall Sensor sizeShoe sizes starting at 9 US (36 EU)
Sensing Point Size0.62 in x 0.44 in (1.6 cm x 1.1 cm)
Scan speedUp to 300 Hz
Sensor thickness50 mils (1.27 mm)
Accuracy± 10%
Repeatability± 2%
Hysteresis± 5%
Non-linearity± 1.5%
Operating SystemWindows

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